There's a big soccer field and people are playing on it and I'm running around. I run around and sergeant Wilson was there. I was running and not getting tired. Then I'm in another part of the dream that I've had before. There was the motorhome on a place like Yuma and the roof of the motorhome had a bunch of boxes and crates on the roof because it was leaking. I was telling someone that it leaks in the kitchenette. I was inside and out didn't look that bad. There were some people inside but I don't know who. The inside of the motorhome was large like a rich person's motorhome.
The dream of playing soccer in a big field and not getting tired could represent your endurance and perseverance in life. It also indicates that you have a lot of energy to accomplish your goals and you are feeling motivated to pursue them.
Seeing Sergeant Wilson in your dream could represent authority, discipline, and order in your life. This could indicate a need for structure and organization at this time.
The recurring dream of the leaking motorhome with boxes and crates on the roof could represent a need for fixing something that has been bothering you for a while, whether it's a personal issue or a situation in your life. It could also indicate that you are carrying a heavy burden or some extra baggage, which may be weighing you down. The presence of people in the motorhome may suggest that you are seeking support from others to help you overcome this challenge.
Overall, this dream may be highlighting your inner desire to stay motivated, disciplined and organized in order to tackle challenges you are facing or may face in the future.